Friday, 7 January 2011

Prop List and Mise en Scene

We have chose our props to use in this opening scene carefully, considering what the objects can iconography and represent for a character.


All in White & Mask - For the antagonist, we have chosen this costume as we thought it will reflect well on our horror genre and will hide the killers identity.

Lilly - The use of the lilly within the film reflects back to the storyline, it relates to death and the audience are able to sense the horror intensions within the opening scene.

Candles - The use of candles along the bath shows the silence and relaxation. Close up shots of the candles will reflect danger and when the candles go out we are hoping it will show the sense of death.

Mobile Phone - This choice of prop is used in the scene where the protagonist gets a strange phone call with noone on the other end. It shows the sense of lonliness in the film and is a typical prop used in horror films such as 'scream'. We have used a latest mobile phone to show realism within the film. 

Fake Blood - we will need to use fake blood in the scene of the bath to show that she is dead. We will create this affect by using red food colouring.


Make-up - We are going to be using day to day make-up on the protagonist, she has just come back from a funeral so she will be wearing casual make-up. We are going to include loads of mascara on the protagonist so when it comes to her being dead in the bath her make-up can be smudged. The antagonist will not need any make up as they will be wearing a mask to cover up there face.

Costume - The antagonist will be wearing all white and the protagonist will be wearing a black dress and heals to show that she has just come back from a funeral.

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