Friday, 7 January 2011

Planning: Shot Log

  1. Tracking shot from inside a moving car looking out to the road.
  2. The mask in a dark room lit up by a torch
  3. A close up of the eye of the antagonist (person in mask).
  4. Girl entering house
  5. Key going into door , close up of key
  6. Match on action of girl coming into the house, high angle shot of girl entering from inside.
  7. Mid shot of her taking off shoes and close up of her shoes
  8. Girl going into living area where she tries to relax- reads mag
  9. Low angle Shot of mask peering through window
  10. Girl walks towards window
  11. Shot from outside of girls face at window between blinds.
  12. Closes blinds
  13. Close up at phone ringing on table/sofa
  14. Girl answering phone- no one there
  15. Throws phone on sofa - close up of phone
  16. Close up of girls panic stricken face as she hears an unexpected noise.
  17. Medium shot of hand on girls sholder
  18. Close up again as girl turns around in shock.
  19. Girl goes up the stairs
  20. Dark landing. Light coming from bathroom
  21. Enters bathroom- bath is full with lily’s and lit candles surrounding
  22. Tracking shot of bath
  23. Girls sits on side of bath and smells lily
  24. Panning shot of mask- to extreme close up of eye
  25. Close up of candle
  26. Close up and zoom out of lilys
  27. Girl dead in bath
  28. Panning up medium shot of eye on the wall in blood
  29. Candles start going out

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