For our premlinary task, a small group of us was asked to film a short clip. The main objective was to film an actor(s) entering a room to show contiunity by usuing different shot movements with the camera. To help us do this successfully we was given set instructions, these included us filming the actor walking through a door to show the continuity, we was also asked to use the 180 degree rule which means to keep the camera on one side of the imaginary line, this kept continuity with the filming as it made it run through. And also we was asked to film using different shots such as shot reverse shot. We decided to do this by filming a short conversation between two of the actors. I believe we achieved this well.
We worked in a group of four, involving myself, Charlotte Magill, Sarah Lolley and Melissa Doyle. We chose this group because the four of us where all new to media studies and thought that we would work well as a team. Our first step was to plan out what the storyline was going to be about, we decided that I would be the camera lady. Melissa would be the director and Sarah and Charlotte would be the actors. As a group having our storyline planned we then went to search for the location we was going to shoot this short clip.We decided the location was going to be within the school this was due to the setting and good lighting for the filming. We made sure that we were going to film in an area of the school were the sound would be quality and there was no school children around making noise. After the planning was done we bagan to film.
I though that for the first time of filming i managed to do some great shots such as shot reverse shot on the conversation between Sarah and Charlotte. After uploading the video onto the computer we realised however that there was a few things that i could have changed such as the lighting. The lighting changed from the colour it was on Charlottes face to the colour the lighting was on Sarah's face. Although the filming wasnt as a effective as it could have been i felt that i did gain some useful experience, and if i was to do it again i would have a good idea on what i was doing.
We uploaded and edited the film sequence together. We all had our say on where to cut things out and to try and make the film run through as smoothly as possible. This was the first time of us using my move maker and overall i think we done a good job of editing the clip especially due to the short amount of time we was given to plan, film, upload and edit the filming. We filmed all different scenes and i think we linked them well together. Such as we filmed walking through the doors, then walking down the corridor and then finally the conversation between the two characters. We uploaded everything that we had filmed and moved the clips around to fit the sequence in the order we wanted. We also cut parts of the clip out that was unaceptable for the video such as laughing.
If i were to do this again there is several things that would be changed, these would be:
- the lighing on the camera.
- I would add more edits such as fades and cuts to make it go together abit better.
- I would make sure that the storyline is planned out properally and draw up onto a storyboard.
-Use a wider variety of shots such as long shot/close ups and extreem close ups ect.
- Shoot alot more takes to ensure we have the right shots and use different
- I would use tripot for the camera to make sure that the camera shots are perfect and not all over the place.
Despite all the negatives i do believe it was successful for our first time and we followed the guidlines that was given to us.
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